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Barbies and dolls

Male 24,

When I was young I played with barbies and other dolls. I there's nothing wrong with that, but I didn't have any sister. I played with my cousins old dolls secretly on my grandma's attic. I still feel a bit left out among tough men. 

dirty trick

female 20,

Last summer i had the worst job ever. I was working as a cleaner and my boss was a monster. He didn't give me any proper instructions how to complete the work but he just watched me like a hawk and complained about every detail he could. So I came up with an idea. I collected hair from toilets as I was cleaning them and slipped them into his bag. I didn't take a huge bunch of them but only few so that he couldn't notice it immediately and it would feel disgusting. So i kept doing that for a while and believe me or not, it made my job much more pleasant.

trust your employees?

female 25,

I remember once we were suppose to live for a trip with my husband. We had bought flight tickets, booked hotel and everything, but my boss didn't let me go. So i needed to lie him that my best friend died in a car accident, it was quite a shock to me  and I'm not capable of working. I know it was mean thing to do but... oh well, who cares, we had a great trip! 

Shit, this food tastes like poo

female, 32

I put dog's poo on my husband's food. He's an asshole and definitely deserved it. I got the idea from a document i saw couple of days ago and I am quite proud of myself. I put it in the spaghetti sauce and he swallowed every single bite with a happy face and didn't taste anything. You have no idea how much I enjoyed looking at it.

From the streets

Male 33,

More than ten years ago i was homeless for three years. I lived on the streets and I used drugs daily. Now, I'm a happy father of three children and my wife doesn't know anything about this side of my history

Bartender in action.

male 28,

I've slept with eight co-workers at my current job. I guess I really should change the job soon.

Around the city with a cab

Male 29,

We had financial troubles with my wife. Even though we had lack of money i kept taking money from our account to spend it on entertaining myself. She didn't like at all, and im not blaming her. But i just need something small to cheer me up even if we were poor. 

Once we had a huge fight about this. I got enough of yelling so i slammed the door behind me called two cabs, one for me and one for my cap. We drove around the city and... it cost quite a bit. I haven't told her about the incident, and think i don't dare.

In a wrong family

Male 36, 

I'm desperately in love with my brother's wife. I don't think much of anything else than her, world's most attractive creature. I'm married. My wife is a dread nagger and I keep away from home as much as possible. I do a lot of overtime work. We have children who i adore but my wife tries to raise them to become whiners like she and her whole family. Nowadays I tend to come up with an excuse to visit my brother to meet the woman of my dreams. Life feels awful and nothing is going to change in the future. Of course, I can't tell anyone, not even my brother, he's my best friend.

Sorry for the spit

Female 36.

It was me, who spitted to history teacher's drawer (in 80's). All the guys got detention. sorry.

More size, now!

woman 23

My boyfriends foot size is 7 but he wears shoes with the size 8. He has a bit of Napoleon complex, i guess

I used to be loose

female 28

I've had three abortion before i was 20. Two of them was before i was even 18.

farting in the wedding

female 26

In the morning at my wedding day i had to visit bathroom at least seven times. In the church i kept gassing. It is almost the only thing I remember from my weddings.

In a cruise ship.

Woman 32, 

We took a cruise boat to Sweden with my friends. And things kinda got out of hands quite early. We were sitting in buffet drinking free wine and that's all I can remember. Afterwards, I heard there were some crashed chairs and swilled wine because of me. Next thing i remember is that i woke up with a terrible headache wearing only my heel shoes, everything else was gone. The cabin was mine, my friends were lost (although i found them later), and the heels were mine but my clothes were spread around the boat. I found, for instance, my stockings in the corridor in front of our cabin. I guess It's only for best that I don't remember my streaking. But i do miss my those clothes and... my self respect. 

"best friend" with my boss

Male 27,

I've been taking money from our register. First i took only dollar or two in a week but later I started to take notes as well. I hate my boss even though i pretend to be like his best friend. Of course, I got huge satisfaction by stealing from him and not to be even suspected. Recently, this all has been bothering me and I haven't taken anything for the last few weeks. I'm quite sure that the reason a guy got fired was because of missing money. I knew this guy had money problems cause he often talked about his problems. Managers have probably forgot the incident but this guy who got fired hasn't got a new job yet. 

I don't have any worries for money and i even didn't need them.

A bum

Male 21, 

I've been traveling as a stowaway for the last year. It is piece of cake. I just pretend sleeping when the guard comes to check the tickets. I was doing some math and i figured out that if I got penalty or two, I'd still be saving. I also get my soaps toilet papers from public bathrooms.